Analisis Technical Immersion pada Film Animasi Berbasis Virtual Reality “Crow The Legend”

Eko Cahyo Kusumo W, Banung Grahita



Film konvensional menggunakan aspek cerita dan aspek sinematografi untuk membangun penceritaan visual dalam film. Pada film VR, terdapat pengalaman imersif yang dapat mengurangi fokus penonton pada konten cerita. Film animasi Crow: The Legend (2018) merupakan animasi yang memiliki penceritaan visual yang dinilai berhasil menyeimbangkan sisi imersif dan storytelling, salah satunya karena memenangkan penghargaan di kategori Immersive Storytelling Narrative VR di My Hero Film Festival 2018.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana aspek sinematografi yang biasa digunakan dalam film konvensional, digunakan untuk penceritaan visual dalam film animasi VR Crow: The Legend. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan analisis data menggunakan teori aspek sinematografi dan aspek imersif. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Technical Immersion (Elmenzeny, 2018). Peneliti menemukan bahwa aspek sinematografi yang dibagi menjadi; sudut pandang, continuity, cutting, komposisi dan tata cahaya yang disesuaikan dengan aspek Technical Immersion dapat diadaptasi untuk penggunaan dalam film VR.


Kata kunci: animasi, immersion, sinematografi, virtual reality



Conventional films use story and cinematographic aspects to build visual storytelling in films. In VR movies, there is an immersive experience that can reduce the audience's focus on the story content. The animated film Crow: The Legend (2018) is an animation that has a visual storytelling that is considered successful in balancing the immersive and storytelling sides, one of which is because it won an award in the Immersive Storytelling Narrative VR category at My Hero Film Festival 2018. This study aims to examine how the cinematographic aspects which are commonly used in conventional films are used for visual storytelling in the animated film VR Crow: The Legend. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data analysis using the theory of cinematographic aspects and immersive aspects. The analysis was carried out using the Technical Immersion theory (Elmenzeny,2018). The researcher found that cinematography aspects which were divided into point of view, continuity, cutting, composition and lighting adapted to Technical Immersion aspects could be adapted for use in VR films.


Keywords: animation, cinematography, immersion, virtual reality

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