Preferensi Media Para Millenial terhadap Televisi Konvensional (Free To Air) dan Layanan Video Berlangganan (Over The Top)

Erris Wijaya, Andre Rahmanto, Albert Muhammad



Para milenial memiliki ketergantungan terhadap gadget dan internet dalam memilih media hiburan. Televisi konvensional (free to air) yang berjaya selama puluhan tahun, harus bersaing dengan berbagai media untuk merebut hati para milenial. Salah satunya adalah layanan over-the-top atau konten video berlangganan melalui jaringan internet. Amazon Prime Video, Catchplay, Iflix, Mola TV, Netflix, Vidio, VIU, Disney+Hotstar, RCTI+, WeTV, dan Vision+ adalah contoh platform over-the-top yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan konsumsi media televisi dengan keberadaan over-the-top di kalangan milenial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan kondensasi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadinya pergeseran pola konsumsi media di kalangan milenial. Over-the-top memberikan kepuasan dari sisi fleksibilitas, ketiadaan gangguan commercial break dan ragam tayangan yang dapat dipilih. Namun, over-the-top memunculkan ketidakpuasan karena biaya berlangganan yang dikenakan dan jaringan internet yang tidak memadai.


Kata Kunci: analisis audiens, milenial, over-the top, preferensi media, televisi



Millennials depend on gadgets and the internet to choose entertainment media. Conventional television (free-to-air) which has triumphed for decades, must compete with various media to attract the millennials. One of them is over-the-top or subscription video content through the internet. Amazon Prime Video, Catchplay, Iflix, Mola TV, Netflix, Vidio, VIU, Disney+Hotstar, RCTI+, WeTV, and Vision+ are examples of over-the-top platforms in Indonesia. This research aims to find out changes in television media consumption with the existence of over-the-top among millennials. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was conducted through interviews and literature studies. Data analysis was carried out by data condensation, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. The results showed a shift in media consumption patterns among millennials. Over-the-top provides satisfaction in terms of flexibility, the absence of commercial breaks, and the variety of shows. However, over-the-top raises dissatisfaction due to subscription charges and the inadequate of internet connection. 


Keywords: audience analysis, millennials, media preferences, over-the top, television

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