Integrating Convolutional Neural Network and Weighted Moving Average for Enhanced Human Fall Detection Performance

Kyi Pyar


This study proposes an approach for human fall classification utilizing a combination of Weighted Moving Average (WMA) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) on the SisFall dataset. Falls among elderly individuals pose a significant public health concern, necessitating effective automated detection systems for timely intervention and assistance. The SisFall dataset, comprising accelerometer data collected during simulated falls and activities of daily living, serves as the basis for training and evaluating the proposed classification system. The proposed method begins by preprocessing accelerometer data using a WMA technique to enhance signal quality and reduce noise. Subsequently, the preprocessed data are fed into a CNN architecture optimized for feature extraction and fall classification. The CNN leverages its ability to automatically learn discriminative features from raw sensor data, enabling robust and accurate classification of fall and non-fall events. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in accurately distinguishing between fall and non-fall activities, achieving high classification performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Comparative analysis with existing methods showcases the WMA-CNN hybrid approach's superiority in classification accuracy and robustness. Overall, the proposed methodology presents a promising framework for real-time human fall classification using sensor data, offering potential applications in wearable devices, ambient assisted living systems, and healthcare monitoring technologies to enhance safety and well-being among elderly individuals.


Accelerometer; Convolutional Neural Network; Gyroscope; Human Fall Classification; Weighted Moving Average

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 IntSys Research

Journal of Computing Theories and Applications published by Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia collaborates with the Intelligent System (IntSys) Research and is supported by Future Techno Science Foundation, Indonesia. 

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