Image Encryption using Half-Inverted Cascading Chaos Cipheration

De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi, Robet Robet, Octara Pribadi, Suyud Widiono, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker


This research introduces an image encryption scheme combining several permutations and substitution-based chaotic techniques, such as Arnold Chaotic Map, 2D-SLMM, 2D-LICM, and 1D-MLM. The proposed method is called Half-Inverted Cascading Chaos Cipheration (HIC3), designed to increase digital image security and confidentiality. The main problem solved is the image's degree of confusion and diffusion. Extensive testing included chi-square analysis, information entropy, NCPCR, UACI, adjacent pixel correlation, key sensitivity and space analysis, NIST randomness testing, robustness testing, and visual analysis. The results show that HIC3 effectively protects digital images from various attacks and maintains their integrity. Thus, this method successfully achieves its goal of increasing security in digital image encryption


Chaotic Encryption; Cryptography; Image encryption; Novel image encryption; Secure image transmission

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Journal of Computing Theories and Applications published by Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia collaborates with the Intelligent System (IntSys) Research and is supported by Future Techno Science Foundation, Indonesia. 

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