Andreas Rio Adriyanto, Imam Santosa, Achmad Syarief



Pandemi virus Covid-19 pada awal tahun 2020 menyebabkan perubahan sistem pendidikan tatap muka ke sistem pendidikan daring. Berbagai jenis platform pembelajaran daring digunakan, salah satunya melalui sistem pengelolaan pembelajaran, Learning Management System (LMS). Perguruan tinggi di Indonesia telah mengembangkan materi ajar dalam LMS institusi masing-masing namun masih banyak kekurangan yang terdapat di LMS pembelajaran daring tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kebergunaan (usability) sistem tersebut termasuk materi ajar. Penelitian menggunakan strategi kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan visual LMS. Data dianalisis menggunakan evaluasi heuristik dengan studi kasus pada beberapa penyelenggara pembelajaran daring. Interpretasi data diperkuat dengan studi literatur dari penelitian terdahulu. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan permasalahan mayor pada materi ajar yang masih memakai elemen-elemen yang kurang tepat dan dapat menambah beban kognitif mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan beberapa rekomendasi yang dapat dijadikan salah satu pertimbangan dalam perancangan materi pembelajaran daring untuk perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

 Kata Kunci: evaluasi heuristik, LMS, pembelajaran daring



The Covid-19 virus pandemic that occurred in early 2020 caused the education system to shift from a face-to-face education system to an online education system. Various types of online learning platforms are used, one of which is through the Learning Management System (LMS). Higher education institutions in Indonesia have developed learning materials in their LMS institutions. However, there are still many inadequacies found in their LMS. The aim of this study is to analyze the usability of the system, including the learning materials. The strategy of inquiry uses qualitative strategies, data collection method is made by visual observation of LMS. Data analysis using heuristic evaluation with case studies on several online learning providers. Data interpretation is strengthened by the study of literature from previous researches. This study found major problems in learning materials that still use elements that are not suitable and can add cognitive loads of students in constructing knowledge. The results of this study provide some recommendations that are expected to be one of the considerations in designing online learning materials for universities in Indonesia. 

 Keywords: heuristic evaluation, LMS, online learning

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33633/andharupa.v6i02.3592

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