Optimization Of The Simple Additive Weighting Method Using The Entropy Method In Tourist Recommendation Decision Support

Aya Sophia


Travel recommendations are ideas or suggestions of cool places to see while traveling. Depending on the interests and preferences of each visitor, these tourist attractions can be nature tourism, beach tourism, cultural tourism or other interesting places to visit. Tourism recommendations can be offered based on criteria including scenic beauty, street access, distance traveled, children's entertainment venues, ticket prices, menu variations, parking, places to relax, toilets, prayer rooms. Therefore, tourism recommendations are needed for tourists to determine the tourist destinations they want to visit. The SAW method is applied to decision making using many criteria, and to avoid subjectivity in determining the criteria weights, the Entropy method is used. The results of this study indicate that the ranking results from the optimization of the SAW method with the entropy method in supporting tourism recommendation decisions.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33633/jais.v8i3.9407

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