Adversarial Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Blood Clot Ischemic Stroke

Moshood A. Hambali, Paul A. Agwu


Digital Pathology Image Analysis (DPIA) is one of the areas where deep learning (DL) techniques offer modern, cutting-edge functionality. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) technology outperforms the competition in classification, segmentation, and detection tasks while being just one of numerous DL techniques. Classification, segmentation, and detection methods can often be used to address DPIA concerns. Some difficulties can also be resolved using pre- and post-processing techniques. However, other CNN models have been investigated for use in addressing DPIA-related issues. Furthermore, the research seeks to explore how susceptible the model is to adversarial attacks and suggest strategies to counteract them. To predict ischemic strokes caused by blood clots, the authors of this study developed CNN with a pixel brightness transformation (PBT) technique for image enhancement and developed several approaches of image augmentation techniques to increase and provide the learning model with more diverse features. Also, adversarial training was integrated into CNN models to train the model with perturbed data in order to assess the impact of adversarial noise at different stages of training. Several metrics, including precision, F1-score, accuracy, and recall, are utilized to assess the experiments' effectiveness. The research findings indicate that employing transfer learning with a deep learning model achieved an accuracy of up to 97% using the ReLU activation function. Also, data augmentation helps improve the accuracy of the model.


CNN; Data augmentation; Adversarial training; Deep learning; Pixel brightness transformation

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