JOINS (Journal of Information System) is a peer-reviewed national journal, which emphasizes the aspects of theory, research, and intellectual development of information systems in organizations, institutions, economics, and society. This journal is intended to be dedicated to the development of sustainable knowledge related to the application of information technology in organizations and management, and moreover to improve economic and social welfare. JOINS (Journal of Information System) encourages the publication of articles that reflect a broad and interdisciplinary field that integrates the discipline of information systems and technology with social, contextual and management problems, based on research using appropriate research methods.
Topics include: Design and Implementation System, Information Systems and Change Management, Decision Support System, E-Learning, E-Commerce, Methodology and Software Development, Knowledge Management System, Geographic Information System, Healtcare Information System, Enterprise Application Integration, Enterprise Resourse Planning, IT Governance, IT Management, Information Science and Technology.
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Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Edisi November 2023
Table of Contents
Implementasi Data Mining dalam Mengklasifikasi Minat Baca Pada Perpustakaan Daerah Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.8004
Eni Irfiani, Yahdi Kusnadi, Sunarti Sunarti, Frisma Handayanna
Analisis Performansi Codec G.711 Dan G.729 Berbasis Issabel Menggunakan Metode MOS E-Model
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.8534
Aji Panca, Rushendra Rustam
Sistem Automasi Zero Touch Provisioning Routerboard Berbasis GraphQL API
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.8535
Leonardus Daniel Krisnayuda P, Eugenius Kau Suni
Pengembangan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Jurusan Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching di SMAN 4 Bangkalan
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.8879
Fauziah Nur Faqih, Laili Cahyani
Implementasi Metode Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Deteksi Kematangan Buah Pisang Menggunakan Inception V3
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.9074
Novia Wahyu Wulansari, Muslih Muslih
Perbandingan Metode Peramalan ARIMA dan Single Exponential Smoothing pada Kasus Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue di Kota Semarang
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.9335
Amiq Fahmi, Giacinta Maurensa, Heru Pramono Hadi, Aris Nur Hindarto, Sasono Wibowo, Edi Sugiarto
A Web-based Point of Sales for Automotive Component Industry using Rapid Application Development model
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.9383
Melvin Melvin, Jansen Wiratama, Rudi Sutomo, Samuel Ady Sanjaya
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Monitoring Siswa PKL pada SMK Permata Harapan
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.9233
Miftahul Ilmi, Dedi Rahman Habibie, Yoyon Arifin
Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran Pasien Klinik Praktik Bersama di Kabupaten Ponorogo Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.9418
Nisa'ul Hafidhoh, Tri Lestariningsih, Ervany Septa Prawara Arisanto
Evaluasi Tata Kelola Kerangka COBIT 5.0 Sistem Informasi Penyediaan Barang dan Jasa (SIM-RS Prima)
DOI : 10.33633/joins.v8i2.9396
Nur Syuhada, Tuti Haryanti, Laela Kurniawati