Parenting at three generations of Oei Family in “Oei Hui Lan” biography

Steffi Thanissa Halim, Grace Febriana Ardiyanto


Oei Hui Lan family was the richest family in Southeast Asia until 20th century, and belongs to the Chinese elite group, so they also have good connection with the western people which made Oei family’s parenting style different from other ordinary Chinese Indonesian families at their time. This makes the author interested in researching parenting styles in three generations of Oei family. The author uses library research method, namely the content analysis method to analyze the data. The data is taken from "Oei Hui Lan: Kisah Putri Sang Raja Gula dari Semarang" by Agnes Davonar. The results of the analysis are parenting style in the first generation is mostly the same as the traditional Chinese parenting style. In the second and third generations are starting to be influenced by western family parenting style. Also, the use of western parenting style from the first to the third generation is found increasing.


parenting style; Oei Hui Lan; Chinese Indonesian

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Copyright (c) 2024 Steffi Thanissa Halim, Grace Febriana Ardiyanto


ISSN Online: 2548-9588

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This journal is published by Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia. 

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